
Exam Prep

I am currently very excited because this week I have EXAMS:/ Obviously that was very sarcastic as exams are definitely not my favourite thing, although they’re something I have to do and I should at least prepare properly for them. There are many people that read my blog that have exams as well or will need to revise for some type of tests so I thought why not exchange some revision tips?

I have 3 exams this year- English, Maths and Science. Our teachers told us as soon as we got back to school that we should start preparing for exams so that we have enough time to cover everything that we’ll be tested on. Last week we also started revising as part of our classes and got some revision material.

When you first start revising I think it’s really beneficial to right down everything you need to revise and think of what you need to put more work into. I use the traffic light method: red-needs a lot of work, yellow-need to look over it, green-I know what I’m doing. It helps me see what I need to put more time into and it helps with my time management, especially if you don’t have much time for revision. I did it this year with Maths.

Along with time management it is a good idea to have specific time slots set aside where you know you will do revision. If you plan to do revision for a few hours on Saturday morning keep those plans and don’t plan anything else for those few hours. Stick to what you said you’d do and revise. Make sure you find a place where you won’t get distracted by anyone and set up everything you need for that time of revision so you can just sit and get it done.

One last thing is GET RID OF ALL ELECTRONICS!!! I know everyone has heard this and no one really does it. I’m a culprit of this myself and I often have my phone next to me while I work. I tell myself I won’t get distracted but when you hear it buzz next to you and you see you’ve got a message from someone are you really going to just leave it there and not reply or even look at what they said?! Although it may be hard you need to get it out of the room and away from where you’re studying. If like me you do need your iPad or phone for your revision then there are apps you can use to stop your notifications. I heard about these apps where you set a timer and for that amount of time it blocks certain apps you select so that you can’t access them or get any notifications from them. Even if you delete the app the timer keeps going. Unfortunately when I looked I couldn’t find any apps that worked so if anyone knows a good one to use please let me know.

I know most people have already had their exams and/or have them at the end of the year so these tips may not be able to help you. I hope once you do get to the time where you start revising these might help. Well I guess I need to stop writing this post and get back to revising, wish me luck!


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